In thinking about taking on the project I felt it would be exposing me more than I am used to. So just as an onion has many layers, so do each one of us (according to Shrek). It also ties in to photography as a tool I use in the editing process. By tackling this project I hope to grow personally as well as professionally during this next year. I will struggle with posting them each day, but will take the pictures and post them as soon as time allows. Enjoy the journey with me.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

356 - In the Mind of a Child

I had to share the thoughts of my oldest. With the arrival of our newest addition, there have been many questions and discussions on babies and our bodies. He was explaining how neat he thought it was that a Mother is the soul nourishment of a baby and that our bodies are quite amazing. He said about nursing, that it was like buying a toy and getting an action figure for free as a bonus. Well I can see his logic and thought it was so cute but I wouldn't have thought of it that way. I guess because we "bought" the baby and we get free food/mild for the baby as the "bonus".I love seeing into the minds of my kids.

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